I know where I came from, and where I live in the Universe!
When life on Earth started, from Cosmic stardust and water and volcanoes and lightening, the elements were very tiny– just amino acids and several hundred other types of small molecules. Molecules can group together or “self-organize” into more complex structures. Over millions of years, simple, one-celled life forms appeared.
Competition for space and resources made the organisms adapt so they could live in different spaces, and they spread throughout all the oceans on Earth. This process of changing and adapting is called evolution.
Because the tides deposited some of these creatures on the shore day after day, some of them learned how to breathe air and live on land.
These changes were very slow, but after millions of years the Earth became home to all sorts of living things.
How Evolution Works
This video that explains very well how this process of evolution works.